Sunday, July 31, 2016

Muscle Building Foods - List of Post & Pre Workout Foods That Help in Bodybuilding

Nutrition plays a major role in muscle building. You should maintain a good diet regime for increasing your muscle mass with ease. Muscle building foods include carbohydrates, fats and protein. You should preferably take more small meals daily for boosting your metabolism that consequently helps in burning fats in your body. One should also drink 10-12 glasses of water daily for maintaining the body temperature.


List Of Post & Pre Workout Foods That Help In Bodybuilding

Complex carbohydrates

* Bread
* Brown rice
* Potatoes
* Bagel
* Pasta
* Cereal

These are muscle building food and helps in providing energy to your muscles. Complex carbs releases energy slowly unlike juices, energy drinks etc. You should also include protein in your post workout diet, as they are the building blocks of our body.

Some of the most efficient protein foods are as follows:

* Chicken breast
* Egg whites
* Turkey
* Cottage cheese
* Yogurt
* Tuna

You should also include protein supplements in your diet for attaining instant energy. Your post workout meal should also have fats such as:

* Flaxseed oil
* Olive oil
* Cod liver oil

You can easily drink protein shakes before and after your workouts. It is advisable to have light meal before workouts.

You need lots of strength and endurance for performing muscle-building workouts that can be easily provided by Nitric Oxide supplements. This product can easily increase the flow of blood in your body that consequently helps in improving your muscle mass. Nitric oxide supplement also helps in preventing various deadly disorders such as diabetes, cancer and heart attacks. It can strengthen your immune system. This product nourishes your overall health with flamboyance.

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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Natural Muscle Building - Build Muscles Without Supplements Naturally

One of the biggest myths of muscle building and body building is that "You can't build muscles if you do not take supplements and steroids". This is one of the most ridiculous lies of body building. It is very much possible to build massive muscles naturally without using any supplements. You can carry out the phenomenon of natural muscle building by following the right combination of diets and exercises.

Natural Muscle Building

Some people think that taking supplements can be a short cut for building muscles. While it does have some effects, it would all amount to nothing if you do not have the right diet at the right time giving your body the nutrition it needs.

Our body goes through various cycles everyday. The exercise workouts and the diets we have greatly influence these cycles. By taking the right food at the right time, one can stay on course to letting the body work over time repairing and building the muscles.

Natural Muscle Building Diet:

A natural muscle building diet should be a good combination of carbohydrates, protein and fat. About 50% of your calorific intake should be from carbs. It is common for people who want to build muscles to obsess with protein diets in excess. While it is obvious that protein is essential for muscle building, it is important to understand that carbohydrates provide the energy required to carry out the day to day activities as well as trigger the insulin response of the body, which is necessary to drive the glucose as muscle glycogen which gets stored in the muscles.

Although, workout is important, all the muscles get built only during the recovery phase which happens while you are sleeping. Ensure that you get sufficient rest after the day.

If most of the carbohydrates are got from the fruits and vegetables, then you will be on a fast track to gain lean mass. Fats like olive oil, fish oil etc. should also be taken. Avoid trans fats and hydrogenated fats at all cost.

To build muscles the natural way without supplements you need to follow the right blueprint that comprises of the right workouts, right diet at the right times. If you make a mistake with this, you will end up acquiring fats instead of muscles.

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Monday, July 18, 2016

What You Should Know About Muscle Building And Weight Training Diet

Crank up some music. Research has shown that listening to music you love while you are lifting can help you do more reps than not listening to any music at all or not listening to the music that you like. In addition, having headphones can help distract you from having a conversation with others that will defer your workout.

Weight Training Diet

Always use your own intuition when working out. Although planning out your workouts ahead is good for making sure that you stay accountable, sometimes you can't always stick to this schedule. For example, you might not be ready for another quad session after your last session left you exhausted. On the other hand, your arms could be well rested after a good workout just a few days ago. Listen to what your body tells you, and follow it.

Utilize giant sets on occasion. A giant set is when you do at least four exercises for a single muscle group simultaneously without resting. Do one or two of these giant sets in order to shock a muscle into growing. For your smaller muscles, which include your shoulders, biceps, and trips, a single giant set is adequate in order to achieve a complete workout.

Focus on the negative. Everyone focuses on the lift when they are trying to build muscle, but it is equally important to place emphasis on the negative, or downward, move of each repetition. When you do this, you help to stretch the muscle while creating tension, which can lead to just the right amount of muscle fatigue to promote future growth.

Muscle building starts with proper hydration and eating habits. If you are not eating right, your muscles will never develop the mass or size that you want. The key to a proper diet is to get the correct ratio of fats, carbs and proteins, however this ratio varies depending on body type.

Perform each exercise to muscle failure. Muscle failure is when you couldn't possibly do any more reps because your muscle is so fatigued. While performing an exercise that has three sets, start with a heavy weight and do 15 repetitions, and then do 2 fewer reps each set. Even as you get tired, continue to give each rep your maximum effort.

Make sure that your diet has enough protein when you are trying to build muscle mass. The maximum amount of protein intake you need is about one gram of protein for every pound of your body weight on a daily basis. Slightly more or less protein does not matter too much, but you do need to intake as much as possible.

Tracking your progress is important when trying to build muscle. It can be hard to determine your progression if you do not take the time to track your muscle-building journey. This can easily be done using a measuring tape and a notebook. Write down your starting measurements and track any developments every two weeks or once a month.

Push ups are a fantastic exercise to consider if you are trying to build muscle. They do not require any equipment and you can do them anywhere. Push ups, when done correctly, will build muscle in the upper body and boost your metabolism, leading to a healthier body over all.

Do not train one day and follow it by another training session the next. Always skip one day between to be sure that your muscles have the time that they need to repair themselves before working out again. If you do not allow them to heal, they are not going to develop as fast as you would like them to, and you could end up hurting yourself.

Make sure that you keep on increasing the number of weights that you lift. In order to build big, strong muscles, you need to constantly extend your current muscles to their limit. If your muscles are not intensively worked out, they will not grow. You could also increase the number of repetitions that you do to increase the intensity of your workout.

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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Best Upper Body Workout Without Weights For Fat Loss

If you want to shape up your body and lose fat without going to an expensive gym, then bodyweight training may be the answer for you. In addition, the majority of people out there don't have a lot of time to workout as it is. So, workouts that last more than 30 minutes is completely out of the question.

Upper Body Workout

If you do have a lot of time workout, I personally like short, intense workouts. They keep me on track and I can get back to doing the things I need to do (like work). You also have a lot more time for friends. I have this bodybuilder friend who spends all his free time at the gym, and I can never get a hold of him when I need to.

Getting a quick upper body bodyweight workout is not that difficult. You can create workouts that last anywhere from 5 minutes to 45 minutes. It's all based on how much time you have to workout, or how much time you want to spend working out.

5 minute workouts? Yup, you can create really short workouts by organizing them into circuits and intervals. A circuit is where you perform 2 or more exercises back to back with little to no exercises in between each exercise. An interval is where you perform exercises with a time frame (usually 20-60 seconds), followed by a short rest period.

Recently, I've been training using the Circular Strength Training (CST) method. CST is really complex and difficult to define in a few sentences. The main concept behind CST is all about moving the body through it's full potential of movement.

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